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     Harry Potter

Generation 1: Muggle

 “The wizards represent all that the true 'muggle' most fears: They are plainly outcasts and comfortable with being so.”


  • Which came first the chicken or the egg? Or in this case, the wizard or the muggle? We start with a straight-laced and traditional muggle founder who doesn’t like to think outside the box. When your muggle becomes a young adult, this story begins.

    • If female, will be a house-wife

    • If male, will enter tech guru career track (They are supposed to be stereotypical, you see – so the heir can rebel.)

  • Will live in Willow Creek

  • Must get married and have at least 1 child

  • Must have 1 extra child from a one night stand with a stranger, this child will be your heir

  • When the heir becomes a young adult, the parents and heir become worst enemies and the heir is thrown out

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You should meet the stranger at Glimmerbrook and the sims must be a spellcaster

    • You are only supposed to have 2 kids, one with your muggle partner and the other with the stranger, but it's not guarantee that you will have a spellcaster, so you can keep trying for a baby until one of them is a witch/wizard and this one should be the heir



Generation 2: Muggle-Born

“Mudblood, and proud of it!”


  • You may have been outcasted from your family but you have found a new world in which you belong. When your muggle-born becomes a young adult, this story begins.

  • Must have the ‘goofball’ and/or ‘creative’ traits

  • Will move to Oasis Springs

  • Make at least three new friends

  • Have four children exactly that would all be sorted into different houses (Eg. a Genius for Ravenclaw, Ambitious for Slytherin, etc.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You should move to Glimmerbrook because you find yourself at home there

    • You must have an owl as your Familiar

Generation 3: Gryffindor

“You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.”


  • You are the bravest of the bunch and your life’s dream has always been to put the bad guys in their place. This story begins when your Gryffindor becomes a teen.

  • Must have self-assured trait

  • Must go into the Secret Agent Career on the Diamond Agent branch (Aka – Auror!)

  • Will have a red themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

  • Must have at least three friends

  • Extinguish a fire on the home lot

  • Have at least two children

  • (Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

  • (Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g - the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • If you choose the Gryffindor kid as your heir, you should go to the School of Magic and specialize yourself only in Untamed Magic Spells

    • One of your kids cannot be a spellcaster because the next heir will be a squib

    • You must have the frog as your Familiar or if you have Cats and Dogs, you can have a cat as your Familiar



Generation 3: Hufflepuff

“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.”


  • You feel it is time to follow your own path and find what it is you want to do with your life. This story begins when your Hufflepuff becomes a teen.

  • Must have the Curator ambition (Hufflepuff’s are exceptionally good finders!) 

  • Will have a yellow themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

  • Have at least three friends

  • Work hard and reach the top of chosen career ladder

  • Must have four or more children

  • (Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

  • (Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g - the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • If you choose the Hufflepuff as your heir, you should specialize yourself only in potions, collecting frogs and familiars

    • One of your kids cannot be a spellcaster because the next heir will be a squib

    • You must have the bat as your Familiar 


Generation 3: Ravenclaw

“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.”


  • You are the genius of the family and you aim to learn all you can about the world. This story begins when your Ravenclaw becomes a teen.

  • Must have a knowledge aspiration

  • Will have a blue themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

  • Have a room dedicated to solely being a library

  • Max the logic skill

  • Never get married as you focus on learning (Can co-habit and be in a relationship)

  • Have at least one child

  • (Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

  • (Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g - the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • If you choose the Ravenclaw as your heir, you should specialize yourself only in Practical Magic Spells

    • One of your kids cannot be a spellcaster because the next heir will be a squib

    • You must have the crow as your Familiar 


Generation 3: Slytherin

“Or perhaps in Slytherin, you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.”


  • You are ambitious and want to do well in life, you take a step away from the modest life and towards the high-life. This story begins when your Slytherin becomes a teen.

  • Must have the ambitious trait

  • Will have a green themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

  • Reach the top of a chosen career 

  • Marry a rich sim then divorce them and steal their money

  • Marry again, someone who is high up on any career track

  • Have at least one child

  • (Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

  • (Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g - the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • If you choose the Syltherin as your heir, you should specialize yourself only in Mischief Magic Spells

    • One of your kids cannot be a spellcaster because the next heir will be a squib

    • You must have the skull as your Familiar 

Generation 4: Squib

"A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn’t got any magic power, they are quite unusual."


  • You are an anomaly that no-one understands and in an attempt to hide your lack of magical ability, your parents never allowed you to leave the house. When your squib becomes a teenager, this story begins.

  • Must have the insane and/or loner trait

  • Cannot leave the house unless it is for school (up to becoming a YA)

  • Joins the criminal career to rebel against maltreatment

  • Their partner must join the Secret Agent Villain branch (aka Death Eater!) once they are married

  • Have only one child

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You suffered a lot for being a squib and you want to make sure that your kid will be a spellcaster so you can only date spellcasters

    • You can marry a spellcaster that is a Death Eater (Secret Agent Villain branch) or you can have as many relationships as you want until one of your kids is a spellcaster

    • You should only have one child, but since this could be difficult you can try for more than one, the kids who are not spellcasters must be sent to adoption or you can neglect them until the social service takes them. 

    • You can't have a familiar



Generation 5: Chosen One

​“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”


  • You hate how your parents have followed the path of evil and you strive to stay in the light. When your chosen one becomes a teen, this story begins.

  • Must have good trait

  • Will have friend of the world aspiration

  • Will wear glasses for everyday

  • Become enemies with parents

  • Parents die

  • Get married to a random sim 

  • Keep having children until they have twins (heir)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • Your parents were bad and they want you to be the most powerful wizard that ever existed, but you only want to be good

    • When you become a tennager, you will go to the School of Magic and you can only study potions and Practical Magic

    • You can have the dragon as your Familiar or if you have Cats and Dogs you can have a dog as a familiar

    • You must be a good spellcaster and you should give good potions to others sims like:

      • Potion of Plentiful Needs​

      • Potion of Emotional Stability

      • Potion of Rejuvenation

      • Potion of Curse Cleansing

      • Potion of Prompt Resurrection

Generation 6: Twin

“Wow, we’re identical!”


  • The twins have always been inseparable but now it is time for you to find your own destiny. When your twin becomes a teen, this story begins.

  • Must have Joke Star aspiration

  • Have red hair

  • Stay best friends with your twin 

  • Max mischief skill

  • Get married and have six children

  • Realm of Magic:

    • The twin you choose can only learn Mischief Magic Spells

    • You can have a store with a lot of crazy stuff 

    • You must have a Hex Doll as a Familiar

Generation 7: House Elf

“A house-elf must be set free, sir.”


  • Growing up, you loved to cook and keep the house clean, making it your duty to be seen and not heard. When your house elf becomes a young adult, this story begins.

  • Have foodie trait

  • Must have pointy ears

  • When leaves parents house (to become a free elf!), must wear odd socks at all times

  • Will enter culinary career track 

  • Should do all the cooking and cleaning

  • Adopt at least one child (heir must be adopted but you can also get married and have your own children)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • Your House Elf can only study Practical Magic Spells and he/she must cook every meal, repair every broken things and clean the house

    • You can't have a familiar

Generation 8: Durmstrang

"Eternal glory! That's what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks.”


  • You may have been adopted but you never forgot your foreign roots, you plan to honor this and compete in the Triwizard Tournament. This story begins when your Durmstrang becomes a teenager.

  • Have a Norwegian / Swedish name

  • Have dark hair

  • Must have active trait

  • Triwizard tournament: Have a golden coloured crystal (Jonquilyst or Citrine) in their inventory/home (golden egg), have a pool and swim in it for one hour straight (black lake) and find the center of a maze – can be custom made (the maze).

  • When this is complete, you can cheat until rich. (Eternal glory!)

  • Get married and keep having children until you have a boy

  • (Optional: Can do both of these, Durmstang can have a Beauxbaton child then continue the legacy.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You are adopted and you are a muggle, but your father sent you to the School of Magic either way

    • You can learn only Untamed Magic Spells

    • Your father was the best father ever and you want to honor him by competing in the Triwizard Tournment

    • Use the same rules above but you must defeat all three sages to make yourself a true champion

    • Must have Bunnerfly as your familiar


Generation 8: Beauxbatons

"Eternal glory! That's what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks.”


  • You may have been adopted but you never forgot your foreign roots, you plan to honour this and compete in the Triwizard Tournament. This story begins when your Beauxbatons becomes a teenager.

  • Have a French name

  • Have blonde hair

  • Must have perfectionist trait

  • Triwizard tournament: Have a golden coloured crystal (Jonquilyst or Citrine) in their inventory/home (golden egg), have a pool and swim in it for one hour straight (black lake) and find the centre of a maze – can be custom made (the maze).

  • When this is complete, you can cheat until rich. (Eternal glory!)

  • Get married and have two children

  • (Optional: Can do both of these, Durmstang can have a Beauxbaton child then continue the legacy.)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You are adopted and you are a muggle, but your father sent you to the School of Magic either way

    • You can learn only Untamed Magic Spells

    • Your father was the best father ever and you want to honor him by competing in the Triwizard Tournment

    • Use the same rules above but you must defeat all three sages to make yourself a true champion

    • Must have the fairy as your familiar

Generation 9: Pureblood

“There're some wizards who think they're better'n everyone else because they’re what people call 'pure-blood'."


  • Your parents instilled in you a sense of value and loyalty towards your heritage that lead to you believing in pureblood supremacy. When your pureblood becomes a teen, this story begins.

  • Must have snob trait

  • Will have Successful Lineage aspiration

  • Max three different skills

  • Get married and have six ‘genius’ children (Do not divorce or be unfaithful!)

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You always believed that you are better than the others because you are a pureblood and because of that, you only interact with spellcasters

    • You can study two fields: Mischief Magic Spells and Untamed Magic Spells

    • You must have Veild as your Familiar

Generation 10: Hogwarts Student

“Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus - Never tickle a sleeping dragon”


  • Unlike your parents, you believe everyone is equal and no-one should be made to feel lesser. You decide to leave home and your parents values behind. When your Hogwarts Student becomes a teen, this story begins.

  • Leave home and move into a castle

  • Become best friends with the elder who owns the castle and took you in (Dumbledore!)

  • Decorate your room the color of your chosen house

  • Must make all money from selling paintings, writing, collecting, etc (no career)

  • When the elder (Dumbledore) dies, you may get married and have children.

  • Realm of Magic:

    • You will become the best wizard/witch ever and to do so you must learn all the spells

    • You must complete the following aspirations: Purveyor of Potions and Spellcraft & Sorcery

    • You must have the Phoenix as your Familiar

Challenge created by Chessiechuu

This challenge is based on Harry Potter movies and Books. You play for 10 generations and each one of them have influences of the Potter Universe. So, get your wand and let's start playing. You are a wizard now, Harry!

** This challenge was updated with Realm of Magic  ** 


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